I believe life is a special gift that God has bestowed upon you and me. Of all the complex, mysterious and beautiful things in the universe, it is my opinion that human life is the most precious of all God’s creations. With this gift, it is our responsibility to reach for the fulfillment of the potential God has put within us. This shows itself in many ways; as a brother, friend, father, husband, teacher, coach, etc.
I am driven from within to strive for excellence and as I learn more about this great human experience of “reaching upward,” I want to share it with others, particularly the young men I am privileged to coach.
I see nothing particularly easy about this life, but rather satisfaction and enjoyment through achievements and relationships. Obstacles, difficulties, disappointments, and most of all, challenges are put before us for growth and development. The people who learn to tap those great sources available to us all, but known to a relative few, are the ones who turn those obstacles, difficulties, disappointments, and challenges into great personal victories.
Basketball is a great game meant for much fun and enjoyment, but it also has the potential to be a tool we can use to learn more about ourselves and come to know something of what we can do when we really strive for excellence. Once we have this knowledge about ourselves, we can apply it in many ways during our adult and professional lives.
I feel fortunate to be in the coaching profession. Since I was a freshman in college, I have had no other professional desire except to be a motivational speaker. Two factors are essential to being successful over the long haul in the coaching profession: (1) an understanding of young people and their development into productive adults and the desire to contribute to that development; (2) being an expert in the game of basketball, its styles, and techniques and the methods that most challenge the young men who play the game. Over the course of my 30 years in coaching, I have come to feel very confident in my knowledge of both the game and the young men who play it. Working together we can achieve much – both individually and as a team and as a result, develop lasting and in-depth relationships with each other.
As coaches, we must face the task of training and molding young men and women to meet the coming situations in life. In this present-day world, we need a strong sports program more than ever. The values that can be learned along with the discipline and forming of good work habits are of immeasurable importance. How an athlete handles the pressure-packed situations awaiting him in a pressure-packed world.
We will strive to help develop our athletes academically, socially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We will also strive to make them aware of the vital importance attitude plays in absorbing knowledge and reaching maturity so that they will become well-rounded individuals.
When I became a member of the athletic profession, I assumed certain obligations and responsibilities to the profession, to the student-athlete, to the coaches, and to all those that I will work within this field. I shall be constantly aware of these obligations and responsibilities to the end that athletic administration and coaching will always remain an honorable calling and that I will conduct myself in such a manner as to maintain the dignity and decency of this profession.
In my relationship with student-athletes, I will always be aware of the tremendous influence my position yields, for good or bad. Parents entrust their dearest possessions to our charge and through example, we must always be sure that the men who have played under us are finer and more decent men for having done so. I shall never place the value of a win above that of instilling the highest desirable ideals and character traits in our student-athletes. The safety and welfare of players will always be uppermost in my mind and they will never be sacrificed for any personal prestige or selfish glory.
In my relationship with the school for which I will work, I shall always remember that I am on public display as a representative from schools from which I have worked. Therefore, I will conduct myself so as to maintain the principles, the integrity, and the dignity of this school. School policy regarding all department business will be adhered to, both in letter and in spirit. I shall remember that other members of the faculty also have an interest in the school and in the students and my conduct will be such that there will arise no criticism of my efforts to develop the common interest and purposes of our school, along with other faculty members.
Within the overall education organization, I will support the administration in all policies, rules, and regulations. Where differences of opinion develop, these will be discussed behind closed doors and never aired through public press or radio. I also understand that should differences of opinion arise, the administration’s decision will override my judgment. Getting along with others and working through our difficulties in a friendly manner is still a prized possession.
Also understood will be the rules and regulations established for eligibility requirements. There will never be any attempt by a member of the athletic department to circumvent eligibility rules or use ineligible players.
One of the first fundamental responsibilities will be to encourage our coaches to inspire the players to achieve academic success – not only to earn good grades but to graduate with honors as well. Encouragement will also be rendered to all student-athletes to be active in other school activities and student leadership.
Another important responsibility – should any player be injured, it is understood that this is a medical problem and will fall directly into the hands of the trainer and the team physician. The trainer shall also play a large role in the planning of any conditioning drills – both during and off-season.
I understand my responsibility to accredit writers, radio and television commentators to provide them news about our program. They will be treated with courtesy, honesty, and respect. Derogatory and misleading statements will be avoided. Direct questions will be answered honestly or not at all. If good judgment indicates that an honest answer to a question would be prejudicial to the best interest of the game or school, then it will not be answered.
It must be realized that the actions of the players, coaches, and members of the department, both on and off the court, will reflect upon the entire program. The image each of us displays will be the result of careful planning and training. In conclusion, a tremendous contribution to the total education program will be obtained.
The student-athlete is among an elite group of young people in the nation. The status acquired by an accomplished athlete is recognized by his fellow students, the university faculty, and in many cases, by the community. Every student-athlete enjoys this admiration and attention and many feel they deserve it because of the hard work it has taken to get them here. Often our student-athletes are considered to be one-dimensional; they do not understand the importance of gaining an education. However, as a coach, I can control the attitude of our young men toward academics. I want the young men in my program not only to realize but also to feel that the most important objective in their life as a student-athlete must be to achieve a degree.
I cannot see to it that our players graduate; however, I can do everything possible to motivate and guide them in the proper direction. I can help our student-athletes to reach their full potential academically, athletically, and socially. In order to accomplish this, we must supply a support system. My answer is the Student-Athlete Program.
The Student-Athlete Program is a structured plan to further educate our student-athletes on the importance of academics and their career goals. It is designed to help them gain a better understanding of three vital areas, ACADEMICS – ATHLETICS – SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, in the maturation of the individual. The program guides each student through the necessary planning objectives for life after college in topic areas that may not be covered in a lecture hall. An individual’s attitude aids in their development of proper study habits, responsibility and respect for others. The program is set up to further enhance our student-athletes’ knowledge regarding areas that will be dealt with during and after college. I feel it prepares our young men for “Total Success,” whether it is on the court, in the classroom, or in the working world.
Specifically, the program introduces the student-athlete to areas such as: how to study and develop good study habits, test-taking, time management, public speaking and interview skills, personal appearance and dress, etiquette, drug and alcohol awareness, self-esteem, and goal setting, financial planning and resume writing. These are a few of the areas that I will investigate every week involving leaders from the community, along with our supervised study halls. The program also includes constant monitoring of each student-athlete’s progression in the classroom, heading off any possible problem areas.
The Student-Athlete Program has been instituted at many colleges and universities throughout the nation. These programs have experienced enormous success in their ability to graduate their student-athletes. The student-athlete can succeed in both the classroom and on the court without doing injustice to either. Athletics and academics can function as teammates rather than as opponents in their lives. It only takes the proper attitude, guidance and direction on the part of a coach. I tell our players daily that I would rather see them get their degree than win a championship; however, we can do both.
To be successful as a player, two ingredients must be present. These two ingredients are high-quality mental and physical talent along with great dedication and commitment. Understanding these two essentials, we then must address the “Bottom Line” – he must see the importance of education and be willing to pay the price of discipline and the many hours of study required to earn credits. I am not interested in an athlete who “wants the ball” but not the classroom.
It is my philosophy that the player is made out-of-season and the team is made in-season. This means that between April 1 and October 15, you must make a great effort to improve yourself. It takes real discipline to do this, but it must be done. Strength, speed, agility, quickness, in addition to basketball skills, must get time. Basically, if you can give two hours of your day, five days a week during this period, you can accomplish your improvement goals.
In-season (October 15 through the end of March), the essentials are concentration, consistency, intensity, great team awareness, and attitude. The ability to CONCENTRATE on the task at hand, blocking from mind everything else during practice and game, is the mark of the really fine players. A daily CONSISTENCY results from this ability to concentrate. The coaching staff needs to know whom they can really count on and he is the one that DOES IT EVERY DAY, practices and games - - consistently. Then the ability to play hard with great INTENSITY is a must. You need to be well-conditioned and have the mental toughness to do it. Playing above the pain of fatigue is a necessity. You’ve heard it said, “Fatigue makes cowards of us all,” and that is generally to acknowledge fatigue because you are concentrating on the task at hand, which means you are going all out all the time – intensity. ATTITUDE is the key to success. We will strive to motivate our athletes to develop a positive mental attitude. We must eliminate all negative thinking and develop pride in our institution in the way we practice and in the way we conduct ourselves on and off the court. The words can’t, if, and but must be eliminated from our vocabulary. We will strive to encourage each athlete to believe in himself and to develop a good positive self-image. We will do this by taking a positive approach to everything we do. Giving positive reinforcement, encouragement or a pat on the back is always important in this type of development.
TEAM AWARENESS is the ingredient that makes five men wearing the same uniform appear as one in its effort to excel. Each player compliments every other player on the court in that the four are actually better players within his strength at all times. There is no greater athletic experience than playing on a team with great team awareness.
An athletic program must operate from the perspective of the overall educational program and fit into its aims, objectives, and goals. Athletics is only a supplement to a broad and sound sports program for all students – we can contribute to the overall educational process. The experiences are invaluable. The combination of sports and academic work can be a tremendous experience in a young person’s life.
We must set up definite plans to following in order to have a good and wholesome sports program. These plans include:
Making a contribution to the development of the student’s well-rounded maturity.
Training the students for leadership.
Encouraging the athlete to achieve academic success.
Making them concerned in regard to their mannerisms, dress, and general appearance.
Developing, refining, and teaching ethical values.
Teaching the practice of excellence in competition.
Being concerned about their attitude in the overall educational process.
We want to keep the pressure on, both on offense and defense. This means that on offense we want to pressure the defense by using the fast break. Long rebounds, “ball out” rebounds, and turnovers will result in the quick three-lane break with the ball in the middle. Otherwise, we will use the sideline break from which we can go directly into our offense.
Our man offense consists of movement, screens, and high percentage scoring opportunities. The sequence of scoring opportunities usually is a lay-up, a drive, a low-post move, or a jumper. The game of basketball has changed drastically in the last few years with the three-point shot. A championship team must masterfully use it and take advantage of their outstanding shooting ability. A truly intelligent team will use an “inside-out” three-point attack which makes the defense pay for helping back on the post.
The zone offense consists of both free movement and set patterns. We want to keep the defense honest with solid outside shooting so we can get it inside for the power game.
All situations have an organized method of attack whether it be press offense, out-of-bounds plays, jump ball, last-second plays, etc. Our motto is to BE PREPARED.
The offense boils down to excellent passing, shooting, and dribbling skills with a great deal of emphasis put on rebounding, positioning, and effort.
That hard-nosed, tenacious, intense man-to-man defense with great support (5-on-3) principles will be our calling card. A 2-3 and 1-2-2 and 1-3-1 match-up zone will be utilized along with a 1-3-1 double team zone in the passing lanes. We will alternate defenses constantly to break the rhythm of the offense.
Full-court presses, zone, and man will be utilized after specific situations such as making free throws, violations, time-outs, etc. We will have GREAT PRIDE in our defense and we expect to score off our defense consistently.
Every player in our program has equal importance to our coaches. Whether it is the twelfth man or a starter, it makes no difference. The same level of intensity and degree of dedication will be expected of both.
Our team is built on the foundation of a GREAT ATTITUDE. If our talent level is sufficient, I try to use ten players effectively. If possible, I want to set a starting five with three men off the bench who play a lot and then two men who are specialists in some phase of the game, such as the delay game or a defensive stopper or a zone buster, etc. It is my philosophy that the bench is an important part of our team. They not only contribute a lot to successful play but also form the foundation for that GREAT ATTITUDE. To play with the INTENSITY we do, it requires a whole team effort, not just five or six men. We all know we are dependent on one another and this promotes the best of TEAM MORALE.
The stronger athlete wins. Each day that is proven to be true. A strength coach is critical; however, as head coach, I will join our players in the weight room during training sessions. Strength enhances every physical skill. We will have an organized program for the athlete to improve his overall body strength. It takes a long period of time (weeks/months) to see results, but they do come. Strength also is the most preventative thing we can do to stay away from injuries, specifically knee and ankle injuries.
All games will be videotaped or filmed in addition to some pre-season practices. Players have access to videotape machines or films for private viewing as well as at team meetings. Individual taping will be done as to specific techniques such as defense, shooting, rebounding, etc., all for instructional purposes.
Intense, organized practices will be our goal with a strong emphasis on fundamental execution. Pre-season practices will last an average of two and one-half hours with an in-season practice ranging from one to two hours. Full-game scrimmages will be held from time-to-time and will be open to the public. All other practices will be open to the public.
All organizations must have someone who is ultimately responsible and who must have the final say in decision-making. A basketball team is no different. The head coach is the person who has this responsibility.
On the court, in practice, it is an automatic situation where the coach has complete authority. Off the court, we very much encourage an exchange of ideas, feelings, and thoughts.
It is important that the player feel free to talk things out and not keep them bottled up inside. The assistant coaches, as well as the head coach, will furnish a listening ear and an understanding heart.
Team members will have an important input into team rules, but the final say will be with the coaching staff. We want everything about our BASKETBALL PROGRAM to exude CONFIDENCE, PRIDE, RESPECT, AND EXCELLENCE.
Should any player become injured, it is understood it is strictly a medical issue and will fall directly into the hands of the trainer and the team physician. The trainer shall also play a large role in the planning of any conditioning drills during the season and during the off-season. To win championships we must keep our players on the floor.
Raise money
Improve the existing facilities
Visibility - create a greater awareness of the program in the community, state and nation
Create enthusiasm, pride, and a winner’s attitude
Coaches, players, parents (be certain to involve women)
Faculty (important to include janitors and secretaries)
Students (fraternities, cheerleaders, camp leaders)
Civic groups
School interest groups (alumni)
News media (start with Public Relations director, local media, radio)
List our program’s goals in order of importance (how much money is needed)
Long-range goals
Short-range goals
Create a slogan for the year
Assign individual areas of responsibility
Schedule periodical meetings with group leaders
Encourage creative and new ideas
Establish an operational schedule
Weekly objectives
Monthly objective
Keep accurate records
Devise imaginative point of sale materials
Think Big!
Distribution of material is important – mass exposure
Implement our plan
Review promotions
Discuss methods for improvement
Discontinue promotions that were not effective
Consider new ideas
Be certain to praise and thank all individuals concerned
Don’t overwork an idea – leave them hungry
Sell T-shirts
Calendar ads
Coaching clinic
Games around county or state (exhibition)
Sell bumper stickers
Raffle ball at home games
Hoop Club group (newsletter, parking, weekly meetings, etc.)
Nine-day fundraiser (Green & White Rush)
Tip-Off Club
(Identify poor attendance games in advance)
Dad’s Weekend
Mother’s Weekend
Bus trips (two-hour radius of school)
Alumni game
$1,000 pick up
Poster Night
Game promotion – Lucky Number
Sign Night
Date Night
Foul Shot Night
Band Day and Cheerleader Day
Invite area teams to play preliminary games
Half-Court Shot Night
Mayor Night
Principal Night
Sorority Night
Fraternity Night
Area High School Night
Alumni Night
Old-Timer Player Remembrance Night
Team Awards
Basketball banquet
Fan Club
Press book
Pre-season flyer
Autograph and picture day at shopping center
Clippings sent to parents and coach
Picture of player to his high school
Foreign trip
Highlight films
Summer camp
Basketball clinics
Radio show
Faculty meeting (once a month) / Welcome them to practice, sit on bench, etc.
McDonald’s Player-of-the-Game
Visiting locker room
Academic booklet
Visit children’s hospitals and elderly rest homes
Speaking engagements
Recruiting notebook
Visit local schools
Visit local businesses
Tuxedo pictures
White’s Wizards (ballhandling, drill team)
Outstanding community person (bench night)
Midnight Special
Businessman’s Special
Seven-foot picture promotion
Dressing room
Visiting locker room
Film room
Weight room
Hallways (office area, gym)
Basketball court
Window displays around town (sporting goods, etc.)
Lounge area – special room
Sign makers
Visiting team greeters
Noisemakers at games
Office helpers (volunteer)
Manager host
Recruiting is a vital part of any successful college athletic program. As head coach, I will travel throughout the year as much as the schedule permits. I will also have constant contact with all assistants and will oversee the entire recruiting process. During observation, evaluation, and contact periods, coaches will be on the road. The head coach and assistant coaches will develop and maintain a master recruiting file and the secretary will assist all coaches as directed. The University staff will represent the University in a professional manner and will not be out-worked by any other staff in the country.
We will play a style of basketball that emphasizes pressure defense and an up-tempo, aggressive, transition offense. Thus, it is imperative that we recruit quality athletes who shoot the ball well and who love to play the game. These athletes must have a desire to compete both on the floor and in the classroom. The players will represent our University and community in a first-class manner.
We will recruit top-notch student-athletes. However, to dominate the our Conference, we will have to recruit nationwide and build a program with good, solid freshman. Our goal will be to have a great program and not just an occasional great team. Recruiting will be discussed further with our recruiting notebook.
Good Sportsmanship
Refrain from allowing your ego to interfere with good judgment. Regardless of who you are – an athlete, a student, a parent, a coach or an official – don’t let your ego take over. Be thoughtful about the way you represent yourself.

My "COACH'S SHIP" epitomizes what I have tried to be about during my coaching career. Great coaches are more than teachers of the game of basketball. The foundation of a truly successful coach is building strong relationships with your players. Once trust is established, then you become a builder of people....in the greatest game of all..."THE GAME OF LIFE". Coaching is very complex and to make it over the long haul you must be multidimensional. The best coaches have many and SOMETIMES all of the attributes illustrated in the "COACH'S SHIP". I feel that the word "COACH" is one of the most powerful words in the dictionary because of the ability to positively influence young people. Coaches change lives!!!!!!