You are going to college for an education. I want every athlete to earn and receive a degree. Keep that first in your thoughts: place basketball second.
Do not cut classes to be on time for practice.
Get your work completed and turned in on time. Do not fall behind.
Keep regular study hours.
Arrange with your professors in advance when you must be absent.
Do not expect favors. Do your part.
Athletes on grant-in-aid should arrange for tutoring through the Athletic Department at the first indication of need.
Work for a high-grade point average. Do not be satisfied by merely meeting the eligibility requirements.
Athletes with campus jobs for grant-in-aid must have enough required credit hours. Do your assignment without comparing it with another student.
Earn the respect of everyone, especially yourself.
Be dressed, on the floor, and ready for practice on time every day. There is no substitute for industriousness and enthusiasm.
Warm-up, work on your weaknesses then shoot some free throws when you take the floor. Do this until organized practice begins.
Work hard to improve yourself without having to be forced. Be serious. Have fun without clowning around. You develop only by doing your best.
No cliques, no complaining, no criticizing, no jealousy, no egotism, no envy, no alibis. Earn the respect of all.
Never leave the floor without permission.
When a coach blows the whistle, give him your undivided attention and respond immediately.
Move quickly to get in position to start a new drill
Keep a neat practice appearance with shirt tucked in, socks pulled up.
Take excellent care of your equipment and keep your locker neat and orderly. Record your weight in and out every day.
Do things the way you have been told and do not have to be reminded every day. Correct habits are formed only through continued repetition of the perfect model.
Be clever, not fancy. Good, clever play brings praise while fancy play brings ridicule and criticism.
When group activity is stopped to correct one individual, everyone pay close attention so the mistake will not be repeated.
Condition comes from hard work during practice and proper mental and moral conduct.
Poise, confidence and self-control come from being prepared.
Chances of having a successful team may be in direct proportion to the ability of each athlete to live up to the following suggestions: ​
Be a gentleman at all times.
Be a team player always.
Be on time whenever time is involved.
Be a good student in all subjects, not just in basketball.
Be enthusiastic, industrious, dependable, loyal, and cooperative.
Be in the best possible condition: physically, mentally, and morally.
Earn the right to be proud and confident.
Keep emotions under control without losing fight or aggressiveness.
Work constantly to improve without becoming satisfied.
Acquire peace of mind by becoming the best that you are capable of becoming.
Never criticize, nag, or razz a teammate.
Never miss or be last for any class or appointment.
Never be selfish, jealous, envious, or egotistical.
Never expect favors.
Never waste time.
Never make excuses.
Never require repeated criticism for the same mistake.
Never lose faith or patience.
Never grandstand, loaf, sulk or boast.
Never have reason to be sorry afterwards.
The player who gives his best is sure of success; the player who gives less than his best is a failure.